Token Utilities

xELN tokens are distributed to users of the protocol as rewards for engaging in various actions that contribute to its growth and functionality. These actions include:

Depositing to the Stability Pool: Users who contribute yUSD to the Stability Pool, thereby enhancing the stability and liquidity of the protocol, are rewarded with xELN tokens as an incentive for their participation.

Minting new yUSD: Minters who create new yUSD stablecoins against their deposited collateral assets receive xELN tokens as a reward for expanding the supply of yUSD and supporting the lending activities within the protocol.

Maintaining an active yUSD debt: Users who maintain an active yUSD debt, indicating their ongoing utilization of the borrowing facilities provided by the protocol, are incentivized with xELN tokens as a reward for their continued engagement and participation.

Staking LP tokens: Liquidity providers who stake their LP (liquidity provider) tokens in designated pools contribute to the liquidity and efficiency of the protocol's decentralized exchanges. In return for their contribution, they receive xELN tokens as a reward for their commitment to providing liquidity to the ecosystem.

These reward mechanisms incentivize active participation and contribution to the EpsiLoan Protocol, fostering a vibrant and engaged community while promoting the growth and sustainability of the platform. By distributing xELN tokens to users who perform valuable actions, the protocol encourages continued involvement and support from its user base, ultimately driving its success and evolution.

Governance with ELN

Holders of ELN play a crucial role in shaping the direction of the EpsiLoan community, treasury, and protocol through their active participation in governance decisions. By holding ELN tokens, community members gain the ability to exercise their voting privileges, allowing them to influence and adjust various protocol parameters and policies.

The governance framework empowers ELN holders to participate in key decisions that impact the trajectory of the EpsiLoan ecosystem. These decisions may include modifications to protocol functionalities, adjustments to economic incentives, changes to tokenomics parameters, and the allocation of resources from the protocol treasury.

Through their engagement in governance, ELN holders contribute to the ongoing development, improvement, and sustainability of the EpsiLoan protocol. By voicing their opinions, proposing changes, and voting on governance proposals, they collectively steer the course of the ecosystem towards alignment with community interests and long-term objectives.

In essence, ELN holders serve as stewards of the protocol, ensuring its continued growth, resilience, and alignment with the needs and aspirations of the broader EpsiLoan community. Their active participation fosters transparency, inclusivity, and decentralization within the governance process, laying the foundation for a robust and thriving ecosystem.

Boosted Yields through staking ELN

Staking ELN not only grants individuals voting rights and influence over the EpsiLoan ecosystem but also offers them a direct share in the protocol revenues. As a staked ELN holder, one becomes eligible to receive a portion of the revenue generated by the protocol. This distribution of revenue is designed to reward staked ELN holders for their active participation and contribution to the governance process.

By receiving a share of the protocol revenues, staked ELN holders not only gain a financial incentive but also have a vested interest in the success and growth of the EpsiLoan ecosystem. This alignment of interests encourages ELN holders to engage actively in governance decisions, as their decisions directly impact the performance and profitability of the protocol.

Furthermore, as ELN holders actively participate in governance and contribute to the protocol's success, they may also see an increase in their rewards. This boost in rewards serves as an additional incentive for ELN holders to actively engage in governance, as it rewards them for their efforts in shaping the future of the protocol.

In summary, holding ELN tokens not only grants voting rights but also provides a direct stake in the protocol's revenues and the potential for increased rewards. This aligns the interests of ELN holders with the success and sustainability of the EpsiLoan ecosystem, fostering a collaborative and participatory governance model.

Last updated